Friday, March 27, 2009

My True Identity

At this writing I am 77 years old. Where has the time gone?
If God wills me to live to be 100, I only have 23 years to go. Where did that time go> What did I do with my life? Was it productive or was a good bit of it wasted on unimportant matters?

I began to meditate on where I have been and where am I going. In spite of all the “busyness” where I thought I had been accomplishing so much, the Holy Spirit brought it to my attention that much of what I had been doing was as “so much wood, hay and stubble.” along with all perishable items which will be burned in the end. . (I Cor 3:10-15---judgment of God in the end.)
My intentions were good. I thought I was doing them for God. Was I really or was I doing them for me?

I began a Bible Study by Cynthia Heald, author of “BECOMING A WOMAN OF FREEDOM”. Wow! At the very beginning, in the Preface, I got a powerful knock on the head. This book was written for me! The first sentence said (quoting a young woman) “I love God and I want to do His will, but there is something holding me back. It seems my life is always an uphill battle. I try and I try, but I get discouraged and feel defeated in spite of all my efforts. I could have written those sentences because that is how I often felt. I was running and getting no where like on a treadmill.

She went on to quote from Hebrews 12:1-2 “Let us throw off EVERYTHING that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. When we can do this and fix our eyes on Jesus then we will have the freedom to do what God has set before us with ease...The truth of Jesus will set us free. We will learn who we really are in Christ and that is “a new creature.” (2 Cor 5:17) with the mind of Christ . New creatures with a new mind don't have to let their old nature keep them in bondage. With this new mind, we have to do away with our old habits and thoughts and fill it with new habits and thoughts like Jesus has.

What really hit me between the eyes was the statement that Jesus has delivered us from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2) and from the tyranny of self. When things were going great, I praised God for His love and kindness. When all the old weights started to pile up and I was getting overwhelmed with these burdens, I began to blame everybody and everything else for my problems.

I never once thought it could be my own attitude; not what others might have been doing to me. The devil would continually bring up my unhappy past and all the “awful” things I might have done. My guilt feelings (some were real; some weren't) and unhappiness mixed together made me dislike myself.

Then I would doubt God's love and mercy to forgive me for my wrong doings. This is saying God is not above His creatures. We accuse Him of acting like the imperfect man acts. He can't love me; He can't forgive me when I'm not at my best.

God loves me and forgives me in spite of me. I am my worst enemy.
Self is the “everything” I have to throw off so I can run the race without the extra burden. I have to love and accept me just as God does. I have to forgive myself, too and forget it all---let the past die.

I like what Micah 7:19 says: “He will turn again. He will have compassion on us. He will subdue our iniquities; and you will cast all their sins into the depth of the sea.” If we let God control our life instead of “self”, He will subdue the “sin that so easily entangles us.” We can't do it under our own power. The new creature with the mind of Christ will let God be our “lion tamer”.

Our emotions, attitudes and natural tendencies are worse that any roaring lion. We all have our own set of “burdens” that try to constantly overtake us.

Originally I wrote this on my 63rd birthday. I couldn't go back to sleep after I woke up about 3 A.M. That is the time the Holy Spirit can speak to me. I knew I had to do something.

Looking through my book with all my past articles, this is the one that hit me right in the eyes. I wrote it under inspiration. Today I read it with more understanding and is as timely now as it was then.

I'll close with Psalm 139:13-17 (NASB) “For you formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother's wombs. I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Read the rest.

He is talking about ME! And You! We are like a wild horse needing to be tamed; what a wonderful thought ---God has the reins in his hand! (KJV says “For you have possessed my reins”) He will be firm but gentle. He knows exactly when to pull back or let go.

This new creature likes this kind of guidance. But amazing---God LOVES me! And you, too


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