Wednesday, November 26, 2008


*Hi Friends and Elders,* Greetings to you in the name of God, today let us learn about the "Heaven filtration Process", this topic is a critical one as it is related to some of the Mysteries. So Kindly read with more patience, May God bless you. Please Enable Images To Read This Mail ** ** *** * *HEAVEN - FILTRATION PROCESS* * * We heard about the Scientists who try to migrate in different Planets. Still they are trying to confirm the availability of Oxygen and water in Moon and Mars using Robots and Space Shuttle. Even though man has clay (Flesh) inside him, with the weight of 60 Kg, 75 Kg, 100 Kg, he is trying to fly like birds in the Sky and to go beyond the Track of Earth. *What would have happened, if God have Created Man like Angels in "Spirit "form without Flesh & Bones??* This is what Happened. One of your friends would have met you and said "Hey, yesterday I was in Mercury you know, It is much closer to sun, are you coming with me to Jupiter tomorrow??, because our family have arranged 50 Hours tour in Jupiter." This seems to be a complicated one, because we have learned already that" Earth is an exam hall and People must stay in Earth till the Exam gets over (Death)." *Whether my school Teacher allows me to get out of My Exam hall before the Exam duration gets over??? * This doesn't seems to be disciplined one know? This is how scientists wear the Mask of Research and goes against GOD and flying beyond Earth's Track. However all the People of Earth must attend the exam to receive the Result. *GOD'S WONDERFUL CREATIVITY*** God didn't create Man like Angels to fly everywhere; He created Man out of Clay (Flesh-Weight), This Wonderful creativity of God helped man to be found only in Earth, with Water and Oxygen as a Part of his Living Flesh, and man can able to live by using Material things that are found in this Earth. As like a Potter, God created His image in clay and breathed into the nostrils, now the image becomes a Person called "ADAM". * ADAM = God's Image + Flesh (Material Body) + Good Soul + Good Spirit* "God's Breathe" made Man a Living Soul. In this way, MAN has been created with 3 important things, *1) **God's Image* 2) *Flesh* (Material Man, Duplicate appearance of a Person) 3) *Soul* (Internal Man) & *Spirit * This is the Organization of a Human Being (Except God as Jesus Christ) ***Organization of a Normal Human Being While Living * [image:] Flesh is not the Real Person, *Soul is the Real Person who Lives upon the Flesh* during the Exam Period in Earth. Soul is also called as an "Internal Man". This internal Man while living in the Material world (Earth), he is called as the Human Being. This same Internal Man after death, He is normally called as the "SPIRIT" because he doesn't have *BONES AND FLESH*. However Spirit & Soul are linked together even while Living, *SPIRIT & SOUL ARE NOT SAME*. Adam committed sin; his SPIRIT becomes dirty in the sight of God and lived a Fleshy life. SOUL is related to the sense, thoughts, Mind, Character etc of a Person who Live in Us, SOUL IS THE PERSON WHO DOES * BREATHE* and SPIRIT relates to the Appearance of that SOUL, which is like "Air". *SPIRITUAL MAN **& MATERIAL MAN* (Spiritual Life & Fleshy Life) *BORN AGAIN:* Only the Person who is Purified Spiritually (While Living in Earth) can reach the Kingdom of Heaven. The Purification of the Spirit of a Person can be done through *"BORN AGAIN"* concept. Those who commit sins in earth are spiritually deactivated, and his Spirit becomes Dirty. So they need to *BORN AGAIN *in order to purify themselves for Heaven. "Spiritual man seeks Spiritual Things and least bothered about Fleshy things", but those who are de-activated or dirty in spirit will seek Much amount of Money, Pleasure, Enjoyment and Least bothered about Spiritual things. Is it hard for the People who Live with FLESH to seek SPIRITUAL THINGS??, What a wonderful test for man ??, God expect man to seek Spiritual things even when he lives inside Flesh. ************ *BEFORE REPENTANCE* (Son of *Adam*) *MAN = Flesh + Dirty Soul + Dirty Spirit * -> *doesn't qualify for Heaven* This kind of Person after death he becomes Evil Spirit, because His Mind, Heart & Spirit is dirty. His appearance will become horrible after his death while watching his Spirit. *AFTER REPENTANCE* (*BORN AGAIN*, Son of *JESUS*) The Blood of Jesus washed his Sins away, so he becomes a Newborn Spiritual Person, His old Life has gone. Thus his Spirit-Soul is purified, His evil character is changed, and he qualifies himself to reach Heaven. *This is how **Jesus came to Earth to Give New Spiritual Life for Man that has been de-activated by Adam*. *MAN = Flesh + Good Soul + Purified Spirit (Born Spiritually)* -> *Foundation for Heaven.* This kind of Person who maintains his Purity until his death is called as a "*Good Soul*", a good Spirit is Found in him, because he got purified from His Sins, his appearance will glitter like Light after death. Internal man should be renewed everyday through Prayers, because 100% Holiness is not possible for Human Beings. While in flesh, both Good Spirit and Evil Spirit Looks the same for Man's Eye, because only the *duplicate appearance* *(Flesh)* is visible for us. After death when we come out of our body, our *original appearance (Spirit)*will be revealed to us as shown below. *APPEARANCE OF A PERSON BEFORE & AFTER DEATH* [image:] God gave life to the Flesh, so we have to maintain our Body in a good manner by following our daily activities like bathing, eating, sleeping etc, Because our Body is the Temple of God, Keeping our body clean is Necessary, but on the other hand we have to do good activities to maintain our Spiritual Growth (i.e.) worshipping God, Helping others etc. If we do every activities to Maintain the growth of our body, then it becomes useless in the end, because our 100% activities goes to SOIL after death in the form of *DEAD BODY*, and 0% activity goes for JUDGMENT, in the form of *Spirit*. Which one is Greater?? *DEAD BODY* or *SPIRIT.* *FIRST FILTRATION PROCESS - Soul & Spirit from BODY** (DEATH)*** ** * *As soon as when the Exam duration is finished for man, His soul (Internal Man) must be separated from His body, this process is called as Death. *The Appearance of the internal man has Hands, Legs, Head etc, which is called as Spirit.* * * *DEATH = Filtration of Soul-Spirit from the Lazy Fleshy Body* ** Spirit is Like the Train Engine and Flesh Body is like the Goods Compartments that carries weight. We know, that how a Train Engine Moves freely without Goods. Death Happens Like in this way. Our SOUL gets separated from the Body of 50 kg, 60 kg, 75kg, or 100 Kg Weight. This is the main reason that why we will be very active after death, Flying here and there, No need of Car for Transport, No need of getting Sleep due to Tired. We have seen already that *"SPIRIT DOESN'T HAVE BONES & FLESH". Only inside Hell, the Body is materialized to feel every Pain more than in EARTH.* * * *ORGANIZATION OF A NORMAL HUMAN BEING AFTER DEATH* ** * * ******** *SECOND FILTRATION PROCESS - Good Spirits / Evil Spirits* * *When we go to the market, we used to filter the best tomatoes away from the decomposed tomatoes. Like this, God filters the best Souls away from the dirty souls. This Filtration Process is done as soon as the Person die, this indicates that whether the Person is a good spirit or an evil Spirit. The Expired Person itself can identify himself as a good spirit or an Evil Spirit by examining his Appearance. Evil Spirit posses Ugly Appearance like their Master Devil, But good spirits have glitter, beautiful Appearance like Angels, based on their Spiritual growth ((See the right Part of the Table above, to Become like this). *THIRD FILTRATION PROCESS --Heaven/Paradise/Hell (For AD History)* *(((Kindly don't Judge this following Paragraph, I have prepared this Topic from the Revelation given to AD Saints, I was directed by God to Read those Contents)))* After Death, People (Good or Evil Spirits) must stay in this Universe either in Heaven, Old Paradise ((Part of Intermediate Sphere)) or Hell. As soon as the second filtration Process gets completed, the third filtration Process takes Place in the *Second Sky*. Here, the souls will be taken to the Place where *Dim light* appears; the souls alone have to choose the *LIGHT PATH to reach Heaven/ Old Paradise (or) DARK PATH to Hell. Angels/ Devils conduct this Process. *Some Evil Spirits will be taken directly to Hell after the filtration Process and their body is like Material Body which is very sensitive and feels Much Pain in Hell, but some evil Spirits who got *sudden death* will be left free for some Period, these free evil spirits get allied with Devils and give troubles to the Humans who Lives in Earth. Many good Spirits are locked in the Paradise for Higher Spiritual Education due to the Lack of their Spiritual Knowledge & Growth. Saints are taken to 3rd Sky (Heaven) by Angels, where the residences are prepared for them. Not all the good Spirits are locked in Paradise & Not All the Evil Spirits are put inside Hell Suddenly After Death. This old Paradise (Abraham's Bosom) is found near to Hades & Hell in second Sky. *Heaven is found in 3rd Sky, here God's Throne and the residences of Saints Exists.* * * *MODEL OF THIRD FILTRATION PROCESS- DIAGRAM * (Spirit of an Evil Man, waiting to select the Dark Path in 2nd Sky) * * *TIME TO THINK* * * *1) **Whether I am spending time to develop My Spiritual Growth daily?? (Or) I am spending my whole time in developing My Fleshy Body???* 2) To get a Job in a Company, How many tests & rounds we are passing through, in such case, whether it's easy to get inside Heaven without Trials & Temptation??? *By God's Mercy,* Mano Ranjith Singh. S *DO YOU WANT TO WORK FOR GOD???, HERE IS THE WAY * *People who are interested to Work for God Could easily Pass this Message to Many People around the World, Share Gospel in a Simple Way, Read Below* Check Your Email Inbox and Spam (Bulk) Folder Often, Kindly Pass this Message to Your Friends Through Emails, It will Help Them.* * * * *Kindly Pass this Message to Your Friends By Sending this Link. God Bless You*

For a brief moment!

"For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back." Isaiah 54:7 Have you read about the way the eagles take care of its little ones? High up in rocky mountainous regions or at the top of very tall trees, the eagle builds its nest, sometimes 5-6 feet across and very heavy. The bird piles up branches, twigs and sharp sticks which are interwoven to form the base of the nest, then pieces of fur and feathers are used as fluffy, cozy mattress for her babies. The baby eaglets grow in absolute comfort. When it comes to teaching her kids to fly, the mother eagle's ways are unusual. To start with, SHE STIRS UP THE BEAUTIFUL, COZY NEST. She stirs the soft cushions and exposes the kids to the poky base. When the kids roll with discomfort and pain, the mother eagle scoops out one of the kids and flings it in the air. The little one shrieks desperately for having been abandoned. How could a mother who was so kind and loving become so unloving? Little does the kid know that the mother was now teaching her to fly!

During the moment of being thrown into the wind, where is the mother during that time? She is hovering over, carefully watching her baby. Just before the little one crashes to the floor, the mother glides down, spreads her wings and catches the baby on her wings and takes it up to greater heights. She would repeat this process of dropping and picking her up until she learns to fly efficiently.

When you feel absolutely comfortable and settled, little do you expect sudden calamities to rock the very foundations of your life…

When the husband suddenly walks out, peace at home is rocking, when the doctor tells you that your reports show positive, when HR calls you and politely tells you that they are cutting down on employees, when your boss finds you inadequate for the job, when visa is refused and many more things break your life… that is when God teaches us valuable lessons. Like the mother eagle, He builds our home and fills it with the best but sometimes the ABUNDANCE makes us forget the PROVIDER. Are you listening? Can you tell me today that despite whatever the pressure may be, you had not failed to give GOD the first place? Work and money has become the idol now! Now God has to move in and show that HE IS GOD. Suddenly THE NEST IS STIRRED AND OUR COMFORT ZONE HAS GONE. BEWARE, every comfort can vanish and perish but the safest place is UNDER HIS WINGS.

My dear friend, is God stirring up your nest? Are you jobless, in pain, facing an uncertain and bleak future, a job which is taking you nowhere, feel hopeless and useless? Do not lose heart; God has shaken you to teach you to fly. He would pick you up now and carry you to greater heights, teaching you some deep, lovely truth on the way. I LEARNT TO FLY WHEN I WAS TOTALLY THROWN AWAY LIKE A DUSTER AND DOOR MAT. My God picked me up from there and carried me to spiritual heights. Don't worry; He would do it for you too! Hallelujah!

Let us pray: Dear Lord, I today purpose in my heart to look at you and you alone for every problem in my life. I trust that you would never leave or forsake me. I commit to follow and obey your commandments today and give you the due respect and place in my life. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

God's Call to Genuine Repentance

READ | 2 Corinthians 12:20-21
On a high shelf sits a clear glass jar half full of cookies, and six-year-old Todd is determined to have one. So when his mom walks into the kitchen a few minutes later, she finds the boy standing on the counter— one arm still in the jar—chewing fast. The first words out of his mouth are, "I'm sorry." He is obviously sorry mom caught him, and he's unhappy about the punishment that he expects. But Todd is probably not actually feeling remorseful for eating the cookies.

Believers sometimes approach confession and repentance the same way. In prayer, we get comfortable confessing and expecting forgiveness. Sorrow usually accompanies the guilty admission, and feelings of shame and remorse are labeled as repentance. What we must ask ourselves is, Why are we ashamed? Too often our guilt has shallow roots. We're sorry to have been caught or sad over the consequences of our actions. At times we are upset that we've failed to live up to our own standards of good behavior. But genuine repentance goes deeper than self-reproach; it involves a sense of grief over having wronged God by sinning against Him.

Remorse is not the end of the story. Children of God want to please their heavenly Father, not grieve Him. So the repentant man or woman will feel driven to make a lasting change in attitude or behavior— the choice will be made to forsake the sin and practice obedience. In response to true repentance, the Holy Spirit pours His power and strength into the believer to stand against Satan's temptation.

The Power of Prayer!

A young university student was home for the summer.She had gone to visit some friends one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away.As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked Jesus to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a shortcut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her.

She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for the protection of Jesus.Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped around her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on either side of her." This story is an incredible example of how the Spirit of the Lord moves in mysterious ways. If you ever feel such prodding, go along with it. Nothing is ever hurt by prayer except the gates of hell. I encourage you to forward this to as many people as you know. If we all take it to heart, we can turn this world towards Christ once again.

THE POWER OF PRAYER -- as the above true story clearly illustrates, "with God all things are possible" and more importantly, how God hears and answers the prayers of the faithful. After you read this, please pause and give God thanks for the beautiful gift of your faith, for the powerful gift of prayer, and for the many miracles He works in your own daily life...

Rekindling the Flame

1 Timothy 4:14-16 Sadly, a believer's passion to serve the Lord and share the gospel sometimes fades. When this happens, some choose to settle for a lukewarm life. They neither risk much for His name nor receive many blessings. Others stop ministering altogether and drift aimlessly through life. But the wise choice is to rekindle the flame of passion that first lit when we received salvation. When we were saved, we received the gift of the Holy Spirit, our Helper in ministry. But wrong choices and poor priorities can hinder His power in our life. If that happens, how can we renew our passion for God? The first step is to pray for the Holy Spirit to fill?or control?us again. That requires self-examination and repentance of any sins the Lord brings to mind. It also means giving back to God the right to reign over our life. Next, think about what was and what wasn't happening in life when our passion last burned brightly. Understanding how external pressures and activities affect our ministry helps us prioritize wisely. A smart last step is to retreat and devote a day or more to refocus on the Lord. This is a good time to recall His words of encouragement from Isaiah 41:10. In that way, we can resist fixating on problems. Instead, it's important to remember that He'll shepherd us through any trial. The more we focus on God, the smaller our distractions and stress will seem. We don't need to settle for a lukewarm life. The passion we experienced at salvation can be ours again if we'll fix our focus on the Lord.