Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For a brief moment!

"For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back." Isaiah 54:7 Have you read about the way the eagles take care of its little ones? High up in rocky mountainous regions or at the top of very tall trees, the eagle builds its nest, sometimes 5-6 feet across and very heavy. The bird piles up branches, twigs and sharp sticks which are interwoven to form the base of the nest, then pieces of fur and feathers are used as fluffy, cozy mattress for her babies. The baby eaglets grow in absolute comfort. When it comes to teaching her kids to fly, the mother eagle's ways are unusual. To start with, SHE STIRS UP THE BEAUTIFUL, COZY NEST. She stirs the soft cushions and exposes the kids to the poky base. When the kids roll with discomfort and pain, the mother eagle scoops out one of the kids and flings it in the air. The little one shrieks desperately for having been abandoned. How could a mother who was so kind and loving become so unloving? Little does the kid know that the mother was now teaching her to fly!

During the moment of being thrown into the wind, where is the mother during that time? She is hovering over, carefully watching her baby. Just before the little one crashes to the floor, the mother glides down, spreads her wings and catches the baby on her wings and takes it up to greater heights. She would repeat this process of dropping and picking her up until she learns to fly efficiently.

When you feel absolutely comfortable and settled, little do you expect sudden calamities to rock the very foundations of your life…

When the husband suddenly walks out, peace at home is rocking, when the doctor tells you that your reports show positive, when HR calls you and politely tells you that they are cutting down on employees, when your boss finds you inadequate for the job, when visa is refused and many more things break your life… that is when God teaches us valuable lessons. Like the mother eagle, He builds our home and fills it with the best but sometimes the ABUNDANCE makes us forget the PROVIDER. Are you listening? Can you tell me today that despite whatever the pressure may be, you had not failed to give GOD the first place? Work and money has become the idol now! Now God has to move in and show that HE IS GOD. Suddenly THE NEST IS STIRRED AND OUR COMFORT ZONE HAS GONE. BEWARE, every comfort can vanish and perish but the safest place is UNDER HIS WINGS.

My dear friend, is God stirring up your nest? Are you jobless, in pain, facing an uncertain and bleak future, a job which is taking you nowhere, feel hopeless and useless? Do not lose heart; God has shaken you to teach you to fly. He would pick you up now and carry you to greater heights, teaching you some deep, lovely truth on the way. I LEARNT TO FLY WHEN I WAS TOTALLY THROWN AWAY LIKE A DUSTER AND DOOR MAT. My God picked me up from there and carried me to spiritual heights. Don't worry; He would do it for you too! Hallelujah!

Let us pray: Dear Lord, I today purpose in my heart to look at you and you alone for every problem in my life. I trust that you would never leave or forsake me. I commit to follow and obey your commandments today and give you the due respect and place in my life. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

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