Saturday, March 28, 2009

Deliverance from Satanism

(Deliverance from Satanism) .. I thought at the time, that the only thing left to do was to kill myself. .. To my dismay, I failed. .. I know now that only Divine intervention could have saved me from both the gun and the noose. .. After returning home, I tried to drink myself into oblivion, but found that the taste of beer turned my stomach. .. So instead, I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves...but it burned my lips! .. So finally, I, the satanist priest in the making, went to my room, lay in my bed and began to cry. .. I will never in my life forget what happened next. It was late at night. .. The rest of the coven was out partying so the house was empty. .. Out of the silence I heard a voice from beside my bed that said "Get Out!" .. I stopped crying and looked around the room expecting the presence of a demon. .. This was no demon. .. The voice moved to the foot of my bed and said again. .. "Get Out!" .. I remember being so shaken at the command that I immediately obeyed. .. I crawled out of the nearest window in my bedroom and onto the driveway...and into the presence of God. .. My knees went weak and I fell on my face, there was no mistaking Who this was. .. Looking up at the sky I pleaded, "Jesus, just make my life okay."


"What Jesus Means To Me!"

.("What Jesus Means To Me!") .. Finally in a desperate cry I reached out to him and said "OK God, I've tried it my way, and it didn't work. .. My life is in a real mess, and I need a way out. .. Please Dear Lord, forgive me and save me. .. I'll do it YOUR way!" .. With sincerity, I accepted the biblical teachings about Jesus, the Saviour, and the sacrifice he made for me at the cross. .. At that moment I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and was BORN AGAIN! .. The morning of November, 20 1968, at exactly 7:00 am, at a Stop Sign on the way to work, I surrendered my life to Jesus. .. I met my wife, Kathie , in 1979!

I'll Never Pray Again

(I’LL NEVER PRAY AGAIN!) .. Yes, "I swore that I would never pray again", but God in His matchless Mercy was patient with me, and kept looking, until one day He searched in the right place, and there I was, cold, ragged, hungry, depressed, discouraged, and lonely from my backsliding, but He gave me a new Robe to wear.
If you are running from God today, why not not turn and say: "I give up Lord! .. I don’t need a ring, a robe, or a fatted calf, I just want to return home with you and be your Son. .. Forgive me of my sins, and come into my heart to live forever"! .. Amen! .. .. .. Will you do it today my friend? .. I owe my life (and my soul) to the Good Shepherd! .. Thank you dear Jesus!!


I am a miracle of God's healing and love

I have lived in isolation most of my life because to let anyone know the secrets of my past would be too much too bear. I had to protect myself at all costs—no one could really know the truth. Satan loves it when we isolate ourselves and we think we are alone because it is then he can destroy any hope we may have of anything ever changing. The Bible says ‘Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” Proverbs 13:12. This confirms that God, Who Himself is hope, is deeply interested in bringing us to a place of hope in order that we might walk in health and wholeness and have abundant life. This place of isolation is where the enemy speaks his lies to us. But Jesus said in John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” When I started to learn His word, believe His word and what it said about me How He felt about me—I was deeply loved -- it was then I began to really believe “ I am a new creation and I once again began to live ”

The Lord knew how to set me free from my past and that is why He allowed my life of pretending to come to an end. It has been 14 years since I began this journey. First my father died of cancer and the memories of the past abuse came flooding back. Day and night they played over and over in my mind. Then the end of my 17 year marriage--I could not take the hurt of his actions anymore. The separation and divorce left me and my children alone and hurting and because of my wounded past I did not know how to help them. So my family became a reflection of the family I grew up in where everyone carried their pain alone. I wanted so badly to make my family the family I never had. I felt like such a failure. It was out of God’s great love for me that He allowed this season of my life to begin. I knew I needed help. I started to see a Christian counselor for the next couple of years, he helped me to see myself and the abuse in a way I had never thought of ---it was not my fault. That never occurred to me. I later remarried and I thought all this pain and memories would just go away so I stopped going to counseling-- for awhile the pain stopped. Only to return later –with more wounds added to it. This is my story...

My life as a child and teenager…..

When I was a young girl, my mother told me that she didn’t want me and tried to abort me. She said the Dr. gave her some drug that was supposed to make her miscarry but instead it made her very sick. She was angry even as she was telling me. I believe that after she told me that it was the start of my constant thoughts of rejection and dying. My father started to sexually abuse me when I was about 4. I used to remember only beginnings and not endings. The abuse started out gradually –then turned to rape. I remember feeling so empty. I said to my father one time “other fathers don’t do this to there daughters” and he said ‘Oh yes they do.” It was then that I first began to feel hopeless. Those feeling were so overwhelming --I had no where to escape. I was trapped with no one to rescue me. I even tried to tell my mother what he was doing but as a little girl how do you describe what you are too young to even understand? I have also remembered that my mother was a part of the abuse. I was told to be a good little girl and do what I was told –this often meant sexual abuse.

I began drinking and doing drugs when I was about 11 mostly with my brother and his friends. They would come over after school while my parents were working. I felt accepted by them and by that age I did not know how to say “no” or that I could say “no” so many times I ended giving in to their advances. I wouldn’t find out until later how this had affected my life.

2nd marriage....

I began to experience problems in my second marriage. I began to spend a lot of time driving around and finding any excuse to be out at night, running from my problems at home because I could not see any solution to them. I know now that the more you focus on your problems the bigger they get in your mind and the greater hold the enemy has on you. My solution was to run from the hurt but it made things worse. One of these evenings that I was out I encountered a man who made unwanted advances at me and when I told him no he ended up beating and raping me but that was not the end of it. He continued to stalk me for the next year and a half and he would eventually attack me two more times. I felt so stupid and full of shame that I could not have prevented this from happening again and again so I ran each time hoping no one would find out but each time they did. I did go to the authorities but for some reason they could not help me.

I finally sought counseling with one of my Pastors ,who also was our prayer and deliverance pastor, and he helped to walk through all the pain this man caused and the abuse from my past. I found that forgiveness is the key to walking in freedom. I thought if I forgive it will be like saying all the things that happened to me were ok and it was no big deal. It was my life –this past of mine was all I knew. Moving forward in a new direction was scary and totally new to me. I hated this man and I did not want to forgive him. I had forgiven him before but he had done it again and again. I also had to forgive my father and many others who had hurt me. We forgive because He forgave us—it is not for the person who wounded us –they probably don’t even care. Unforgiveness hurts us. The Lord has proved He is faithful over and over and continues to hold me and heal me today. Forgiveness for me sometimes took a moment by moment decision to give it to Him and each time it brought me closer and closer to the freedom I wanted so badly.

The Lord has always had a plan for me, to bring me out of where I was although I could not always see it —Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” My journey has not been overnight and it still continues today but even this testimony the Lord will use to heal me. It has been a huge battle just to get me to this point because satan did not want me to give it. Rev 12:11 says --They overcame him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony;

I have not arrived and I still have days of struggle but the difference is that I know the One who to run to –My Daddy—my heavenly Father whose strong arms will hold me—He is my refuge, my healer and deliverer.

I was reminded that Jesus still has scars. JESUS says My scars are healed and by them you will be totally healed one day. They will not always hurt or be a constant reminder—but it is your scars that I will use to lead others to me, trust me to continue to heal you. It is a journey we will take together and I will use you to show others the way. The Lord was true to his word and He has opened doors for me to share with other ladies who have had similar hurts as me.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Healing from a personal death

Hello I would like to give my testimony on healing. About two years ago I started getting really deep in religion. Now im not talking about Christianity im talking about religion. for those of you who don’t know the difference let me explain. Religion is a set of rules and regulations what you think you have to do and not do to please God. Christianity is a relationship a two-fold relationship between God and us and between each other.
I was getting really deep into religion and it was killing me personally. I was so obsessed with my behavior what I thought I had to do or not do to please God that I was dieing personally. What I mean exactly by dieing personally is I was so scared that if I messed up one time did one thing wrong that God was going to kill me and throw me in hell. That I lived in fear everyday for years. I wanted to die. But I was scared to death that if I did I would go straight to hell and burn. why? Because that’s what I heard all my life if you don’t do this your going to hell if you don’t do that your going to hell. From Christian people. And most of all I was afraid to face God. And on top of all that my trailer was destroyed because of the hurricane.

Finally one day I got up the courage to face God. I asked him God what do you think about me. Surprisingly he said every since the day you accepted me into your life I have thought of you as being exactly like my son Jesus holy and without blame before me. The next thing he said shocked me as well he said I don’t want to kill you and throw you in hell I want to love you please Danny just let me love you.

Ever since then my life has never been the same. I have a much more healthier relationship with God .I was blessed with a new place a nice car a wonderful girl friend more money you cant go wrong with God. He did for me what I could not do for my self in every aspect of my life. And most of all I learned this lesson that I will never forget. When I am constantly worried about my behavior what I think I have to do or not do to please God. Im so self centered worried about how I look as a Christian and what Im going to get out of it. I cant think about no one but my self and I cant love anyone but my self. How does that compare to the new commandments that Jesus left us with to love God and to love others as you love your self.

So I just want to encourage anyone one out there who is struggling like I was to believe that god does love you I don’t care what you done what has happened in your life or what you are going through nothing is to bad for God to forgive you for. And I want to leave you with one of Jesus’ most freak went fraises. FEAR NOT!

by........Danny Hebel

The Truth of Gospel

In one of the darkest times of my life God reviled the light shining in the darkness.Which
was the truth of the gospel that sets us free from the bondage of sin and death ,so that we
are able to love others like Christ loves the church. You see as hard as we
try we can never live up to Gods standerds which is absolute perfection. We can try as
hard as we can for now on to follow Gods law (the ten commandments) but that is not good
enough God wants us to not only sin no more but also never have sined.

But here is the truth of the gospel.
Jesus did for us what we could not do for are self. He was born into this sinful world just
like us .Lived a perfect life then died on the cross so that we could recieve his perfect
spirit as are own spirit .The holy spirit.In the book of ROMANS chapter 6,7 and 8 it explains that When we are
born again that is just what happens,
the sinful person that we where born into this world as was crucified on the cross with
Christ died and we where litterly born again as a brand new person. The new person that we are
now has never sined is not sining now and never will sin because the person we are now the
new person we are cannot sin it is the spirit of that new person that we are
now is not to be confussed with this sinful flest this old sinful body that we still live in, that
is going to wast away when it dies.I guess you can say when we where
saved jesus made us a brand new person and seperated us from our sinful flesh so that our sinful flesh
could no longer cause us the new man to sin.

God knew that sin caused us death not just physical death but also personal and spiritual death as well.
This is how God has set us free from the bondage of sin and death. God knew that as long as we where
able to sin we would always be so obsessed with are behavor and we would be so selfish that we would
never be able to think about anyone but ourself and our own he set us free from the bondage
of sin and death.
so that we could focus our attention away from our behavor and on the two greatest commands that
jesus left us with to love God with all are heart and to love others.Now I would like to leave you with
this verse EPHESIANS chapter 2 verse 8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourself
:it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast.

by.........................danny hebel

My True Identity

At this writing I am 77 years old. Where has the time gone?
If God wills me to live to be 100, I only have 23 years to go. Where did that time go> What did I do with my life? Was it productive or was a good bit of it wasted on unimportant matters?

I began to meditate on where I have been and where am I going. In spite of all the “busyness” where I thought I had been accomplishing so much, the Holy Spirit brought it to my attention that much of what I had been doing was as “so much wood, hay and stubble.” along with all perishable items which will be burned in the end. . (I Cor 3:10-15---judgment of God in the end.)
My intentions were good. I thought I was doing them for God. Was I really or was I doing them for me?

I began a Bible Study by Cynthia Heald, author of “BECOMING A WOMAN OF FREEDOM”. Wow! At the very beginning, in the Preface, I got a powerful knock on the head. This book was written for me! The first sentence said (quoting a young woman) “I love God and I want to do His will, but there is something holding me back. It seems my life is always an uphill battle. I try and I try, but I get discouraged and feel defeated in spite of all my efforts. I could have written those sentences because that is how I often felt. I was running and getting no where like on a treadmill.

She went on to quote from Hebrews 12:1-2 “Let us throw off EVERYTHING that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. When we can do this and fix our eyes on Jesus then we will have the freedom to do what God has set before us with ease...The truth of Jesus will set us free. We will learn who we really are in Christ and that is “a new creature.” (2 Cor 5:17) with the mind of Christ . New creatures with a new mind don't have to let their old nature keep them in bondage. With this new mind, we have to do away with our old habits and thoughts and fill it with new habits and thoughts like Jesus has.

What really hit me between the eyes was the statement that Jesus has delivered us from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2) and from the tyranny of self. When things were going great, I praised God for His love and kindness. When all the old weights started to pile up and I was getting overwhelmed with these burdens, I began to blame everybody and everything else for my problems.

I never once thought it could be my own attitude; not what others might have been doing to me. The devil would continually bring up my unhappy past and all the “awful” things I might have done. My guilt feelings (some were real; some weren't) and unhappiness mixed together made me dislike myself.

Then I would doubt God's love and mercy to forgive me for my wrong doings. This is saying God is not above His creatures. We accuse Him of acting like the imperfect man acts. He can't love me; He can't forgive me when I'm not at my best.

God loves me and forgives me in spite of me. I am my worst enemy.
Self is the “everything” I have to throw off so I can run the race without the extra burden. I have to love and accept me just as God does. I have to forgive myself, too and forget it all---let the past die.

I like what Micah 7:19 says: “He will turn again. He will have compassion on us. He will subdue our iniquities; and you will cast all their sins into the depth of the sea.” If we let God control our life instead of “self”, He will subdue the “sin that so easily entangles us.” We can't do it under our own power. The new creature with the mind of Christ will let God be our “lion tamer”.

Our emotions, attitudes and natural tendencies are worse that any roaring lion. We all have our own set of “burdens” that try to constantly overtake us.

Originally I wrote this on my 63rd birthday. I couldn't go back to sleep after I woke up about 3 A.M. That is the time the Holy Spirit can speak to me. I knew I had to do something.

Looking through my book with all my past articles, this is the one that hit me right in the eyes. I wrote it under inspiration. Today I read it with more understanding and is as timely now as it was then.

I'll close with Psalm 139:13-17 (NASB) “For you formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother's wombs. I will give thanks to you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Read the rest.

He is talking about ME! And You! We are like a wild horse needing to be tamed; what a wonderful thought ---God has the reins in his hand! (KJV says “For you have possessed my reins”) He will be firm but gentle. He knows exactly when to pull back or let go.

This new creature likes this kind of guidance. But amazing---God LOVES me! And you, too
