Friday, March 27, 2009

The Truth of Gospel

In one of the darkest times of my life God reviled the light shining in the darkness.Which
was the truth of the gospel that sets us free from the bondage of sin and death ,so that we
are able to love others like Christ loves the church. You see as hard as we
try we can never live up to Gods standerds which is absolute perfection. We can try as
hard as we can for now on to follow Gods law (the ten commandments) but that is not good
enough God wants us to not only sin no more but also never have sined.

But here is the truth of the gospel.
Jesus did for us what we could not do for are self. He was born into this sinful world just
like us .Lived a perfect life then died on the cross so that we could recieve his perfect
spirit as are own spirit .The holy spirit.In the book of ROMANS chapter 6,7 and 8 it explains that When we are
born again that is just what happens,
the sinful person that we where born into this world as was crucified on the cross with
Christ died and we where litterly born again as a brand new person. The new person that we are
now has never sined is not sining now and never will sin because the person we are now the
new person we are cannot sin it is the spirit of that new person that we are
now is not to be confussed with this sinful flest this old sinful body that we still live in, that
is going to wast away when it dies.I guess you can say when we where
saved jesus made us a brand new person and seperated us from our sinful flesh so that our sinful flesh
could no longer cause us the new man to sin.

God knew that sin caused us death not just physical death but also personal and spiritual death as well.
This is how God has set us free from the bondage of sin and death. God knew that as long as we where
able to sin we would always be so obsessed with are behavor and we would be so selfish that we would
never be able to think about anyone but ourself and our own he set us free from the bondage
of sin and death.
so that we could focus our attention away from our behavor and on the two greatest commands that
jesus left us with to love God with all are heart and to love others.Now I would like to leave you with
this verse EPHESIANS chapter 2 verse 8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith ; and that not of yourself
:it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast.

by.........................danny hebel

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