Friday, March 27, 2009

Healing from a personal death

Hello I would like to give my testimony on healing. About two years ago I started getting really deep in religion. Now im not talking about Christianity im talking about religion. for those of you who don’t know the difference let me explain. Religion is a set of rules and regulations what you think you have to do and not do to please God. Christianity is a relationship a two-fold relationship between God and us and between each other.
I was getting really deep into religion and it was killing me personally. I was so obsessed with my behavior what I thought I had to do or not do to please God that I was dieing personally. What I mean exactly by dieing personally is I was so scared that if I messed up one time did one thing wrong that God was going to kill me and throw me in hell. That I lived in fear everyday for years. I wanted to die. But I was scared to death that if I did I would go straight to hell and burn. why? Because that’s what I heard all my life if you don’t do this your going to hell if you don’t do that your going to hell. From Christian people. And most of all I was afraid to face God. And on top of all that my trailer was destroyed because of the hurricane.

Finally one day I got up the courage to face God. I asked him God what do you think about me. Surprisingly he said every since the day you accepted me into your life I have thought of you as being exactly like my son Jesus holy and without blame before me. The next thing he said shocked me as well he said I don’t want to kill you and throw you in hell I want to love you please Danny just let me love you.

Ever since then my life has never been the same. I have a much more healthier relationship with God .I was blessed with a new place a nice car a wonderful girl friend more money you cant go wrong with God. He did for me what I could not do for my self in every aspect of my life. And most of all I learned this lesson that I will never forget. When I am constantly worried about my behavior what I think I have to do or not do to please God. Im so self centered worried about how I look as a Christian and what Im going to get out of it. I cant think about no one but my self and I cant love anyone but my self. How does that compare to the new commandments that Jesus left us with to love God and to love others as you love your self.

So I just want to encourage anyone one out there who is struggling like I was to believe that god does love you I don’t care what you done what has happened in your life or what you are going through nothing is to bad for God to forgive you for. And I want to leave you with one of Jesus’ most freak went fraises. FEAR NOT!

by........Danny Hebel

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